Letlhogonolo Theodore Obonye

BSc (Hons) Computer Science

South Africa, Capetown

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Software Engineer

ConnectUS ICT

SEP 2018 - FEB 2020

Develop a single SPA for a micro finace lending start up called eThebe. Develop business logic and integrate to the client application. Design and implement the client application to REST API and Service workers. Set up continous Integration and Continous Delivery with Gitlab

Systems Administration


FEB 2018 - AUG 2018

Involved in a Country wide project to bridge the gap between area with highly previlege tech and those without. Set up a LAN and integrate it to WAN. Manage users' consumptions of services within the Network.

IP Services Engineer


MAY 2016 - JAN 2018

Involved in a Country wide project to bridge the gap between area with highly previlege tech and those without. Set up a LAN and integrate it to WAN. Manage users' consumptions of services within the Network.

Associate Researcher


MAY 2015 - APR 2016

Gather data, design tests and help ensure that information is being properly recorded and assessed.